139 Verbs in Chinese | A Simple Guide
A Complete Guide to 139 Verbs in Chinese
So you want to learn all the verbs in Chinese?
Well, you’ve come to the right place! We’ve put together the ultimate collection of verbs in Chinese. You’ll be able to express yourself like never before with this list of verbs.
Bonus: Don’t just learn the verb but also how to apply them appropriately to Chinese grammar.
To say verb in Chinese is 动词 dòngcí
⬇️⬇️⬇️ BONUS: Take our Verbs Quiz to see how many you know ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Verbs in Chinese A – Z

- to advise 建议 jiàn yì
- to agree 同意 tóng yì
- to answer 回答 huí dá
- to apologize 道歉 dào qiàn
- to arrive 来到 lái dào
- to ask 请求 qǐng qiú
to begin 开始 kāi shǐ
to belong to … 属于shǔ yú
to boast 自夸 zì kuā
to break 打破 dǎ pò
- to call (for help) 呼 hū
- can (capable of doing) 能 néng
- to catch 抓住 zhuā zhù
- to change 改变 gǎi biàn
- to choose (select) 选 xuǎn
- to come down 下来 xià lai
- to come in (enter) 进来 jìn lái
- to compare 比较 bǐ jiào
- to complain 抱怨 bào yuàn

We have FREE flashcards and audio recording of all the basic mandarin phrases you would need for day to day life in China.
- to confuse 混淆 hùn xiáo
- to continue 继续 jì xù
- to control 控制 kòng zhì
- to cook 做饭 zuò fàn
- to count 计算 jì suàn
- to count on (me) 指望 zhǐ wàng
- to create 创造 chuàng zào
- to cry 哭 kū
D – Verbs in Chinese

- to deceive 骗 piàn
- to decorate 装饰 zhuāng shì
- defend 保卫 bǎo wèi
- to demand 要求 yāo qiú
- to dig 挖 wā
- to discuss 讨论 tǎo lùn
- to do 做 zuò
- to doubt 怀疑 huái yí
- to drop 掉 diào
Want to make learning these verbs in Chinese as fun as possible? Why not change the settings on your computer games in Chinese?
E – Chinese Verbs
- to exist 存在 cún zài
- to expect 预见 yù jiàn
- to explain 解释 jiě shì
F – Verbs in Chinese
to fall 跌倒 diē dǎo
to find 找到 zhǎo dào
to finish 结束 jié shù
to fly 飞 fēi
to follow 跟随 gēn suí
to forget 忘 wàng
to forgive 原谅 yuán liàng
Need a reason to forgive and forget in Chinese?
Why not put these Chinese verbs into practice whilst challenging your friends to a game of Chinese monopoly?
We teach you everything you need to know about the world famous board game!
G – Chinese Verbs
- to give 给 gěi
- to give a hint 暗示 àn shì
- to go (on foot) 走 zǒu
- to go for a swim 去游泳 qù yóu yǒng
- to go out 走出去 zǒu chū qù
- to guess 猜 cāi
H – Verbs in Chinese

- to have 有 yǒu
- to have breakfast 吃早饭 chī zǎo fàn
- to have lunch 吃午饭 chī wǔ fàn
- to have dinner 吃晚饭 chī wǎn fàn
- to hear 听见 tīng jiàn
to help 帮助 bāng zhù
- to hide 藏 cáng
- to hope 希望 xī wàng
- to hunt 打猎 dǎ liè
- to hurry 赶紧 gǎn jǐn
I & J – Chinese Verbs
- to inform 通知 tōng zhī
- to insist 坚持 jiān chí
- to insult 侮辱 wǔ rǔ
- to invite 邀请 yāo qǐng
- to joke 开玩笑 kāi wán xiào
Don’t talk to your mother unless you want your mouth washed out with soap. Here are 44 ways to insult your friends in Chinese.
K – Verbs in Chinese
- to keep 保存 bǎo cún
- to keep silent 沉默 chén mò
- to kill 杀死 shā sǐ
- to know 知道 zhī dào
L – Verbs in Mandarin
to laugh 笑 xiào
to liberate 解放 jiě fàng
to like 喜欢 xǐ huan
to look for 寻找 xún zhǎo
to love 爱 ài
M&N Verbs
to make a mistake 犯错 fàn cuò
to manage 管理 guǎn lǐ
to mention 提到 tí dào
to miss (class / work / party) 错过 cuò guò
to be needed 需要 xū yào
to notice 注意到 zhù yì dào
O – Chinese Verbs

To object 观察 guān chá
To observe 观察 guān chá
To open 开 kāi
To order (food) 订 dìng
Order (command) 命令 mìng lìng
To own 拥有 yōng yǒu
Ordering food? Might be helpful to be able to read the Chinese menu.
P&R Verbs
- to participate 参与 cān yù
- to pay 支付 zhī fù
- to permit 允许 yǔn xǔ
- to plan 计划 jì huà
- to play 玩 wán
- to pray 祈祷 qí dǎo
- to prefer 宁愿 nìng yuàn
- to promise 承诺 chéng nuò
- to propose (offer) 提议 tí yì
- to punish 惩罚 chéng fá
- to read 读 dú
- to recommend 推荐 tuī jiàn
- to refuse 拒绝 jù jué
- to regret 后悔 hòu huǐ
- to rent 租房 zū fáng
- to repeat (say again) 重复 chóng fù
- to reserve 预订 yù dìng
- to run 跑 pǎo
Want to make learning Chinese verbs fun? Why not use Chinese music to make your learning more lively?
S – Chinese Verbs

- to save (rescue) 救出 jiù chū
- to say 说 shuō
- to scold 责骂 zé mà
- to see 看见 kàn jiàn
- to sell 卖 mài
- to send 寄 jì
- to shoot 射击 shè jī
- to shout 叫喊 jiào hǎn
- to show 展示 zhǎn shì
- to sign (document) 签名 qiān míng
- to sit down 坐下 zuò xia
- to smile 微笑 wēi xiào
- to speak 说 shuō
- to steal 偷窃 tōu qiè
- to stop 停 tíng
- to study 学习 xué xí
- to swim 游泳 yóuyǒng
Want to learn directions in Chinese after all the Chinese verbs?
T – Z – Verbs in Mandarin

- to take 拿 ná
- to think 想 xiǎng
- to threaten 威胁 wēi xié
- to touch 摸 mō
- to translate 翻译 fān yì
- to trust 信任 xìn rèn
- to try 试图 shì tú
- to turn 转弯 zhuǎn wān
to underestimate 轻视 qīng shì
to understand 明白 míng bai
to unite 联合 lián hé
- to wait 等 děng
- to want (desire) 想 xiǎng
- to warn 警告 jǐng gào
- to work 工作 gōng zuò
- to write 写 xiě
Chinese Verbs Quiz
Time to test your knowledge. Here comes our quick-fire quiz.
20 questions, barely a couple of minutes, and instant results.
Score well? Tell us in the comments below!
Enjoying learning new things? So do we!
Why not check out our guide to verbs in Japanese as well? You might notice some similarities with the characters used in Japanese Kanji, just like Chinese Hanzi!
And whilst we’re at it, let’s check out these super useful vocabulary blogs as well…

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Learn up to 67 opposites in Chinese.

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Eggs in Chinese
How do you like your eggs (in Chinese)?
Chinese Verbs – FAQ’s
How do Chinese Verbs work?
Chinese Mandarin does not conjugate verbs, meaning verbs don’t have different tenses.
This means you only have to learn one tense! Sentences like: “I do, he does, she did” just got a lot simpler!
How to use Chinese Verbs in a sentence?
Basic Chinese grammar dictates that subject + verb + object sentence is the correct order for making sentences. Example (我 wǒ) + (爱 ài) + (你 nǐ) = I love you.
How do you say Verb in Chinese?
Verb in Chinese is 动词 dòngcí
How can I learn all the verbs in Chinese?
Read our blog to learn the most common verbs in Chinese.
As a BONUS, we’ve included a Chinese Verbs Quiz to test yourself and learn from your mistakes.
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My correct is 19
My incorrects is 6
But I’m still good at it 😀
Very well done Janice!
I want to learn more
Why not take 3 free Mandarin classes on us Chandan 🙂