67 Opposites in Chinese | The Ultimate Guide

Opposites in Chinese | The Simple Chinese Opposite Words Dictionary

A great way to improve your Chinese vocabulary is to learn opposites in Chinese. If that is your goal then you’ve come to the right place!

Opposites in Chinese is 反义词 fǎn yì cí

We have packed this guide with 67 opposite words in Chinese with bonus flashcards!

Before we get started let’s learn our first bit of vocabulary, the word for Opposite itself!

对立面 duì lì miàn

When you’re done learning all the opposites, check out our:

⬇️⬇️⬇️ Opposites in Chinese Quiz ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Opposite Words in Chinese

富有 fù yǒu贫穷 pín qióng
生病 shēng bìng健康 jiàn kāng
大 dà小 xiǎo
快 kuài慢 màn
Rich vs Poor
Rich vs Poor

Considered playing board games to learn Chinese? Here’s our guide to Chinese monopoly.

快乐 kuài lè伤心 shāngxīn
一起 yī qǐ分开 fēn kāi
吵 chǎo安静 ānjìng
高 gāo矮 ǎi
Happy vs Sad
Happy vs Sad

How are your opposites in Chinese coming along? Have you considered taking the HSK exam? You can test your HSK 1 vocabulary right here.

深 shēn浅 qiǎn
是 shì不 bù
远 yuǎn近 jìn
长 cháng短 duǎn
Deep vs Shallow
Deep vs Shallow
好 hǎo坏 huài
已婚 yǐ hūn单身 dān shēn
禁止 jìn zhǐ允许 yǔn xǔ
左边 zuǒ bian右边 yòu bian
Forbid vs Permit
Forbid vs Permit

Don’t just learn the opposites in Chinese for ‘left’ and ‘right’! Why not learn all the directions in Chinese?

第一 dì yī最后 zuì hòu
天堂 tiān táng地狱 dì yù
出生 chū shēng死亡 sǐ wáng
壮 zhuàng弱 ruò
First vs Last - Opposites in Chinese
First vs Last

Language learning tip: Use images and personal connections!

Why not use these opposite words to describe your dog in Chinese… While playing with your dog?!

Old (person)Young
老 lǎo年轻 nián qīng
Old (thing)New
旧 jiù新 xīn
硬 yìng软 ruǎn
热 rè冷 lěng
Hot vs Cold - Opposites in Chinese
Hot vs Cold

Bonus Opposites in Chinese:

Fat 胖 pàng / Thin 瘦 shòu

Narrow 窄 zhǎi / Wide 宽 kuān

Brave 勇敢 yǒng gǎn / Coward 懦弱 nuò ruò

40 More Opposites in Chinese!

勤劳 qín láo懒惰 lǎn duò
业余 zhí yè职业 yè yú
乐观 lè guān悲观 bēi guān
客观 kè guān主观 zhǔ guān
美 měi丑 chǒu
实 shí虚 xū
反 fǎn正 zhèng
容易 róng yì困难 kùn nán
Smooth Rough
光滑 guāng huá粗糙 cū cāo
湿 shī干 gàn
喜欢 xǐ huān讨厌 tǎo yàn
眼神 yǎn shén缩短 suō duǎn
To fixTo break
修理 xiū lǐ破坏 pò huài
Fall asleepWake up
入睡 rù shuì睡醒 shuì xǐng
Useful Useless
有益 yǒu yì无益 wúyì
耐心 nài xīn急切 jí qiè
清洁 qīng jié肮脏 āng zāng
光明 guāng míng黑暗 hēi’àn
满 mǎn空 kōng
重 zhòng轻 qīng
Straight Curved
直 zhí曲 qū
Sweet Sour
甜 tián苦 kǔ
True False
真 zhēn假 jiǎ
Thick Thin
厚 hòu薄 báo
A lot A few
多 duō少 shǎo
Day Night
白天 bái tiān夜里 yè lǐ
Evening Morning
晚上 wǎn shàng早晨 zǎo chén
Start Finish
开始 kāi shǐ结束 jié shù
Inside Outside
内 nèi外 wài
In front Behind
前 qián后 hòu
Under On
下 xià上 shàng
Open Close
开 kāi关 guān
Pull Push
拉 lā推 tuī
Enter Exit
进 ,入 jìn, rù出 chū
To laughTo cry
笑 xiào哭 kū
Public Private
公 gōng私 sī
Friend Enemy
朋友 péng yǒu敌人 dí rén
Cause Result
原因 yuán yīn结果 jié guǒ
On purpose By accident
故意 gù yì偶然 ǒu rán
Luck Bad luck
运气 yùn qì倒霉 dǎo méi

Opposites in Chinese – Quiz

OK ready to put yourself to the test? Think you know your thin’s from your fat’s and your right’s from your wrong’s?

Our quiz gives your instant results and takes a matter of minutes! Give it a shot and share your results below!

Welcome to the Opposites Quiz! Enter your First name and email to begin. Don't worry you can unsubscribe at any time!

First Name
Long & Short

Beautiful & Ugly

Easy: 容易 (róng yì)

Under: 下 (xià)

Left & Right

Day: 白天 (bái tiān)

Good & Bad

Full: 满 (mǎn)

Friend: 朋友 (péng yǒu)

Smooth: 光滑 (guāng huá)

Hot & Cold

Back: 反 (fǎn)

Heavy: 重 (zhòng)

Open: 开 (kāi)

First & Last

Far & Near

Pull: 拉 (lā)

Rich & Poor

Happy & Sad

Hard & Soft

Verbs in Chinese

Verbs in Chinese

Learn all of the important verbs in Chinese.

Furniture in Chinese

Furniture in Chinese

Discover how to talk about furniture in Chinese.

Feelings in Chinese

Feelings in Chinese

Do you know how to talk about your feelings in Chinese?

Opposites in Chinese – FAQ’s

How do you say Opposites in Chinese?

Opposites in Chinese is 对立面 duì lì miàn.

How do you say Fat / Thin in Chinese?

Fat 胖 pàng / Thin 瘦 shòu.

How do you say Narrow / Wide in Chinese?

Narrow 窄 zhǎi / Wide 宽 kuān.

How do you say Brave / Coward in Chinese?

Brave 勇敢 yǒng gǎn / Coward 懦弱 nuò ruò.

Can I test my knowledge of the opposites in Chinese?

Yes, absolutely! Once you’ve study all of our opposites flashcard, try our NEW Opposites Quiz!

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