Monopoly Game in Chinese – The Definitive Guide

Learn How to Play the Monopoly Game in Chinese

Have you found yourself a Monopoly game in Chinese? You might have stumbled upon an incredibly rare gem!

Monopoly (game) in Chinese: 地产大亨 dì chǎn dà hēng

We are big advocates for learning any language by immersing yourself into language.

This would, of course, include playing board games in Chinese. Playing a Monopoly game in Chinese would be an incredible way to test your abilities.

You’ll not only have to master all the Chinese monopoly vocabulary, but also stay on your toes whilst playing the fast-paced game!

Monopoly Districts in Chinese

Train Stations in Chinese

Other Spaces on the Board

Monopoly Pieces in Chinese

Community Chest Cards in Chinese

Chance Cards in Chinese

TEST YOURSELF – Chinese Monopoly Quiz

Monopoly Board Game in Mandarin
Monopoly Board Game in Mandarin

Monopoly Game in Chinese – Districts

Monopoly Game in Chinese
Monopoly Game in Chinese

It’s great discovering the districts on alternate monopoly boards so that’s where we start…

Let’s go around the board and talk about all the grouped coloured districts.

Here’s a quick reminder of the order of the colours around the Monopoly board game.

First and last districts:

Row 1Row 2Row 3Row 4
南岸 Nán’àn
渝中 Yú zhōng
汉阳 Hàn yáng
武昌 Wǔ chāng
汉口 Hàn kǒu
浦东 Pǔ dōng
徐汇 Xú huì
静安 Jìng’ān
南山 Nán shān
福田 Fú tián
罗湖 Luó hú
Light Blue
新区 Xīn qū
园区 Yuán qū
金闾 Jīn lǘ
南开 Nán kāi
河西 Hé xī
和平 Hé píng
海淀 Hǎi diàn
朝阳 Cháo yáng
东城 Dōng chéng
荔湾 Lì wān
东山 Dōng shān

Monopoly Game in Chinese – Train Stations

Did you know China has enough high speed rail way tracks to loop the earth twice? #ChinaFacts

  1. 重庆站 Chóng qìng zhàn
  2. 上海站 Shàng hǎi zhàn
  3. 北京西站 Běi jīng xī zhàn
  4. 广州站 Guǎng zhōu zhàn

Wondering how to get the metro around Singapore?

Monopoly Game in Chinese – Other Game Spaces

Starting from go here are all the remaining spaces on the Chinese Monopoly board:

Go to jail in Chinese
Go to jail in Chinese
  • Go: 起点 Qǐ diǎn
  • Communty Chest: 社会基金 Shè huì jī jīn
  • Income Tax: 所得税 Suǒ dé shuì
  • Chance: 机会 Jī huì
  • In Jail: 坐牢 Zuò láo
  • Just Visiting: 探监 Tàn jiān
  • China Electric: 供电公司 Gōng diàn gong sī
  • Free Parking: 免费停车 Miǎn fèi tíng chē
  • Water Works: 自来水公司 Zì lái shuǐ gong sī
  • Go to Jail: 进监狱 Jìn jiān yù
  • Salary Tax: 销售税 Xiāo shòu shuì

Want to learn more money terms in Chinese?

Monopoly Pieces in Chinese

Monopoly Pieces in Chinese
Monopoly Pieces in Chinese

You can’t play the monopoly game in Chinese without the icoin pieces!

Some of these pieces have remained unchanged since the games release in 1930!

  • Top Hat:礼帽 lǐ mào
  • Thimble: 顶针 Dǐng zhēn
  • Iron: 铁熨斗 Tiě yùn dǒu
  • Boot: 靴子 Xuē zi
  • Battleship: 战舰 Zhàn jiàn
  • Cannon: 大炮 Dà pào
  • Racecar: 赛车 Sài chē
  • Scottie Dog: 苏格兰㹴狗 sū gé lán gēng gǒu
  • Wheelbarrow: 独轮车 Dú lún chē
  • Horse & Rider: 马&骑手 Mǎ & qí shǒu

Other Monopoly pieces

House – 房子 fáng zi
Hotel – 酒店 jiǔ diàn
Title Deeds – 地契 dì qì
Mortgaged – 抵押 dǐ yā

Community Chest Cards – 公益牌 gōng yì pái

Community Chest Chinese Monopoly Board Game
Community Chest Chinese Monopoly Board Game

Doctors fee pay ¥100 – 看医生花费100元 kàn yī shēng huā fèi 100 yuán

Get our of jail free card – 从监狱获释 Cóng jiān yù huò shì

Bank error in your favour collect ¥200 – 银行错给你200元 Yín háng cuò gěi nǐ 200 yuán

Advance to Go collect ¥200 – 直接到起点并得到200元 Zhí jiē dào qǐ diǎn bìng dé dào 200 yuán

You are assessed for street repairs: ¥40 per house, ¥115 per hotel – 街道维修费:每个房子40元,每家酒店115元 jiē dào wéi xiū fèi: měi gè fang zi 40 yuán , měi jiā jiǔ diàn 115 yuan

You have won second prize in a beauty contest collect ¥10 – 您在选美比赛中获得二等奖,奖金10元 nín zài xuǎn měi bǐ sài zhōng huò dé èr děng jiǎng , jiǎng jīn 10 yuán

From sale of stock, you get ¥50 – 出售股票,你得到50元 chū shòu gǔ piào , nǐ dé dào 50 yuán

You inherit ¥100 – 您继承了100元 nín jì chéng le 100 yuán

It is your birthday. Collect ¥10 from every player – 今天是你的生日。从每位玩家那里收取 10 元。jīn tiān shì nǐ de shēng rì。cóng měi wèi wán jiā nà lǐ shōu qǔ 10 yuán。

Receive ¥25 consultancy fee – 获得 25元的咨询费 huò dé 25 yuán de zī xún fèi

Go to jail. Go directly to jail, do not pass “go”, do not collect ¥200 – 进监狱。直接去监狱,不通过”起点”,无法收取200元。 Jìn jiānyù. Zhí jiē qù jiān yù, bù tōng guò”qǐ diǎn”, wú fǎ shōu qǔ 200 yuán.

Pay hospital fees of ¥100 – 支付 100 元的住院费用 zhī fù 100 yuán de Zhù yuàn fèi yòng

Income tax refund collect ¥20 – 获得所得税20元 Huò dé suǒ dé shuì 20 yuán

Pay school fees of ¥50 – 支付 50 元学费 zhī fù 50 yuán xué fèi

Life insurance matures collect ¥100 – 人寿保险到期收取100元 rén shòu bǎo xiǎn dào qī shōu qǔ 100 yuán

Holiday fund matures receive ¥100 – 假日基金到期收取100元 jià rì jī jīn dào qī shōu qǔ 100 yuán

Looking for some video games to learn Chinese?

Chance Cards – 机会牌 jī huì pái

Chance Card Chinese Monopoly
Chance Card Chinese Monopoly

Advance to the nearest railway station. If unowned, you may buy if from the bank. If owned, pay owner twice the rental to which they are otherwise entitled


Qián jìn dào zuì jìn de huǒ chē zhàn. Rú guǒ méi rén yǒng yǒu chē zhàn de suǒ yǒu quán, nǐ kě yǐ cóng yín háng gòu mǎi. Rú guǒ yǒu, zé xiàng yè zhǔ zhī fù liǎng bèi zū jīn.

Speeding fine ¥15 超速罚款 15元 chāo sù fá kuǎn 15 yuán

Go back 3 spaces 返回 3格 fǎn huí 3 gé

You have been elected chairman of the board. Pay each player ¥50 你被选为董事会主席。支付每位玩家 50元 nǐ bèi xuǎn wéi dǒng shì huì zhǔ xí。zhī fù měi wèi wán jiā 50 yuán

Advance to X. If you pass “go” collect ¥200 前进到 X。如果你通过”起点”,收取200元 qián jìn dào X。rú guǒ nǐ tōng guò ” Qǐ diǎn ” ,shōu qǔ 200 yuán

Make general repairs on all your property. For each house pay ¥25, for each hotel pay ¥100 对所有房产进行维修。每栋房子支付25元,每家酒店支付100元。duì suǒ yǒu fáng chǎn jìn xíng wéi xiū。měi dòng fáng zi zhī fù 25 yuán, měi jiā jiǔ diàn zhī fù 100 yuán。

Bank pays you a dividend of ¥50 银行支付你50元股息 yín háng zhī fù nǐ 50 yuán gǔ xī

Advance to “go” (collect ¥200) 前进到”起点”(收取200元)qián jìn dào “Qǐ diǎn”( shōu qǔ 200 yuán )

Go to jail. Go directly to jail, do not pass “go”, do not collect ¥200 进监狱。直接去监狱,不通过”起点”,无法收取200元。 Jìn jiānyù. Zhí jiē qù jiān yù, bù tōng guò”qǐ diǎn”, wú fǎ shōu qǔ 200 yuán.

Advance to the nearest utility. If unowned, you may buy if from the bank. If owned, pay owner twice the rental to which they are otherwise entitled 前进到最近的供电公司或自来水公司。如果没人拥有车站的所有权,你可以从银行购买。如果有,则向业主支付两倍租金。 Qián jìn dào zuì jìn de Gōng diàn gong sī huò zì lái shuǐ gong sī. Rú guǒ méi rén yǒng yǒu tā de suǒ yǒu quán, nǐ kě yǐ cóng yín háng gòu mǎi. Rú guǒ yǒu, zé xiàng yè zhǔ zhī fù liǎng bèi zū jīn.

Your building plan matures collect ¥150 您的建筑计划到期收取 150元 nín de jiàn zhù jì huà dào qī shōu qǔ 150 yuán

Take a trip to X Station. If you pass “GO” collect ¥200 去X站旅行。如果您通过”起点”,收取 200元 qù X zhàn lǚ xíng 。rú guǒ nín tōng guò ” Qǐ diǎn ” shōu qǔ ¥200

Advance to X 前进到 X qián jìn dào X

Chinese Monopoly Quiz

Welcome to the Monopoly Quiz! Enter your First name and email to begin. Don't worry you can unsubscribe at any time!

First Name
大炮 (dà pào)

靴子 (xuē zi)

礼帽 (lǐ mào)

In Jail

Just Visiting

Water Works

Title Deeds

苏格兰㹴狗 (sū gé lán gēng gǒu)

铁熨斗 (tiě yùn dǒu)


Free Parking

Salary Tax

China Electric

赛车 (sài chē)

顶针 (dǐng zhēn)




Go to Jail

独轮车 (dú lún chē)

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Monopoly Game in Chinese Q&A

Was Chinese Monopoly once banned in China?

Yes, the Monopoly game was once banned in China. It is unclear the time frame of when it was banned or allowed back in.

As the game was seen in direct opposition of the of CCP ideals of the time it would have been banned at some point after 1949 and re-released around the time of joining World Trade Organisation (2001).

This is our best guess. There are no official records stating the ban or lifting of the ban.

Are the rules for Chinese Monopoly different?

Monopoly rules are identical in all 26 languages it has been translated in.

Are the pieces the same in Chinese Monopoly?

Yes, the monopoly pieces are identical between translated games of Monopoly.

Are the chance and community chest the same in Chinese monopoly?


There’s no need to worry about new cards. Even if you can’t read all the Chinese characters you should still be able to understand based on the picture of the Monopoly man.

How do I learn the Chinese Monopoly Vocabulary?

You can learn by playing with some Chinese friends OR check out our Chinese Monopoly Quiz!

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