32 Chinese Mushrooms + Mushroom Vocabulary

The Ultimate Guide to Chinese Mushrooms

Looking for some information on Chinese mushrooms? 

It appears everything that comes up on a search for Chinese mushrooms is about recipes, but where’s all the information about the Chinese mushrooms themselves?

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Mushroom Parts

Mushroom Vocabulary

Common Mushrooms

Chinese Mushrooms

Discover all the other veggies in Chinese

First, let’s talk about how to say mushroom in Chinese.

Mushrooms 蘑菇 mó gu

Learn how to say every type of vegetable in Chinese.

If you want to talk about Chinese mushrooms, it might help you know how to talk about mushrooms themselves in Chinese. 

Mushroom in Chinese

Mushroom Parts

Scales 鳞片 (lín piàn)

Cap 菌盖 (jūn ɡài)

Gills 菌褶 (jūn zhě)

Ring 菌环 (jūn huán)

Stem 菌柄 (jūn bǐnɡ)

Volva 菌托 (jūn tuō)

Mycelial threads 菌丝体 (jūn sī tǐ)

Mushroom Parts in Chinese
Mushroom Parts in Chinese

Mushroom Vocabulary

Here is some essential vocabulary you’ll need when talking about mushrooms in Chinese:

Mushroom VocabularyCharactersPinyin
Fungi菌类jùn lèi
Edible可食的kě shí de
Hallucinogenic 致幻剂zhì huàn jì
Black 黑色 hēi sè
White 白色 bái sè
Red 红色 hóng sè
Orange 橘子jú zi
Small xiǎo
Tall gāo
Fat pàng
Chewy 耐嚼质地 nài jué zhídì
Soft 质地柔软 zhídì róuruǎn
Raw shēng
Cooked zhǔ
Grilled kǎo
Mushroom Soup蘑菇汤 mógū tāng
Dry gàn

Common Mushrooms

Before we get into the Chinese mushrooms, here are some of the more familiar mushrooms from around the world and their Chinese names:

Toadstool 毒蘑菇 dú mógu
Cep (Boletus Edulis) 美味牛肝菌 měi wèi niú gān jūn
Orange-Cap Boletus 橙盖牛肝菌 chéng gài niú gān jūn
Birch Bolete 桦木牛肝菌 huàmù niú gān jūn
Chanterelle 鸡油菌 jī yóu jūn
Russula 红菇 hóng gū
Morel 羊肚菌 yáng dǔ jùn
Fly agaric 蛤蟆菌 hámajūn
Death cap 毒蕈 dú xùn

Mushrooms have played an essential role in China’s history in more ways than you might think!

For example, did you know mushrooms were used to make paper in China in the first century C.E? That was before the invention of paper itself!

Medically speaking, mushrooms have played a significant role in traditional Chinese medicine for many centuries! It is believed that with each colour mushroom, there is a corresponding health benefit for combating particular diseases.

For example, red mushrooms are good for your heart, and black mushrooms clean your kidneys.

Being a vegetarian in China can be challenging at first, BUT once you discover Chinese mushrooms, then you’re culinary journey in China will truly begin.

For example, ever head of needle mushrooms? Neither had I until coming to China. Now I can’t get enough!

Chinese Mushrooms

Did you know there are over 10,000 species of mushroom?

Not so easy to list them all in one article! But we can tell you 23 of the most common mushrooms you’ll find in a Chinese kitchen!

Chinese MushroomsScientific NameCharactersPinyin
Bamboo Fungus Phallus Indusiatus 竹荪 zhú sūn
Beech Mushroom Buna Shimeji 蟹味菇 xiè wèi gū
Cloud Ear Fungus Auricularia Polytricha 毛木耳 máomù’ĕr máomù’ĕr
Common Funnel Infundibulicybe gibba 猪肚菇 zhū dù gū
Dried Beef Mushroom Thelephora Ganbajun 干巴菌 gānbā jūn
Elm Gloeostereum Incarnatum 榆耳 yú’ěr
Enoki (Needle Mushroom) Flammulina Velutipes 针菇 zhēn gū
Golden Ear Tremella Aurantialba 金耳 jīn ěr
Green Brittlegill Russula Virescens 变绿红菇 biàn lǜ hóng gū
Jelly Ear Auricularia Auricula Judae 黑木耳 hēi mù’ěr
King Trumpet Mushroom Pleurotus Eryngii 杏鲍菇 xìng bào gū
Lion’s Mane Mushroom Hericium Erinaceus 猴头菇 hóu tóu gū
Matsutake Tricholoma Matsutake 松茸 sōng róng
Oyster Mushroom Pleurotus Ostreatus 蚝菇 háo gū
Paddy Straw Mushroom Volvariella Volvacea 草菇 cǎo gū
Poplar Mushroom Cyclocybe Aegerita 茶树菇 cháshù gū
Reishi Mushroom Ganoderma Lucidum 灵芝 líng zhī
Shaggy Ink Cap Coprinus Comatus 鸡腿菇jītuǐ gū
Shiitake Lentinula Edodes 香菇 xiāng gū
Snow Fungus Tremella Fuciformis 银耳 yín’ěr
Sweet Osmanthus Ear Dacryopinax Spathularia 桂花耳 guìhuā ěr
Termite Mushroom Macrolepiota Albuminosa 鸡㙡菌 jī zōng jūn
Yellow Ear Tremella Frondosa 黃耳 huáng ěr
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Chinese Mushrooms – FAQ’s

How do you say mushroom in Chinese?

Mushroom in Chinese is pronounced mó gu (蘑菇).

Are Chinese mushrooms good for you?

Yes! Chinese mushrooms like most edible mushrooms are high in nutrients. In Chinese medicine, Chinese mushrooms are believed to have a variety of healing properties.

What are dried Chinese mushrooms?

Dried Chinese mushrooms are more commonly know as shiitake mushrooms. They are very popular in China for soups and stir-fries due to their meaty flavour and rumoured health qualities.

How many species of mushrooms exist?

There are over 10’000 known variety of mushrooms! Discover 23 of the most common Chinese mushrooms you’ll find in a Chinese restaurant.

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