67 Opposites in Chinese | The Ultimate Guide
Opposites in Chinese | The Simple Chinese Opposite Words Dictionary
A great way to improve your Chinese vocabulary is to learn opposites in Chinese. If that is your goal then you’ve come to the right place!
Opposites in Chinese is 反义词 fǎn yì cí
We have packed this guide with 67 opposite words in Chinese with bonus flashcards!
Before we get started let’s learn our first bit of vocabulary, the word for Opposite itself!
对立面 duì lì miàn
When you’re done learning all the opposites, check out our:
⬇️⬇️⬇️ Opposites in Chinese Quiz ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Opposite Words in Chinese
Rich | Poor |
富有 fù yǒu | 贫穷 pín qióng |
Sick | Healthy |
生病 shēng bìng | 健康 jiàn kāng |
Big | Small |
大 dà | 小 xiǎo |
Fast | Slow |
快 kuài | 慢 màn |

Considered playing board games to learn Chinese? Here’s our guide to Chinese monopoly.
Happy | Sad |
快乐 kuài lè | 伤心 shāngxīn |
Together | Apart |
一起 yī qǐ | 分开 fēn kāi |
Noisy | Quiet |
吵 chǎo | 安静 ānjìng |
Tall | Short |
高 gāo | 矮 ǎi |

How are your opposites in Chinese coming along? Have you considered taking the HSK exam? You can test your HSK 1 vocabulary right here.
Deep | Shallow |
深 shēn | 浅 qiǎn |
Yes | No |
是 shì | 不 bù |
Far | Near |
远 yuǎn | 近 jìn |
Long | Short |
长 cháng | 短 duǎn |

Good | Bad |
好 hǎo | 坏 huài |
Married | Single |
已婚 yǐ hūn | 单身 dān shēn |
Forbid | Permit |
禁止 jìn zhǐ | 允许 yǔn xǔ |
Left | Right |
左边 zuǒ bian | 右边 yòu bian |

Don’t just learn the opposites in Chinese for ‘left’ and ‘right’! Why not learn all the directions in Chinese?
First | Last |
第一 dì yī | 最后 zuì hòu |
Paradise | Hell |
天堂 tiān táng | 地狱 dì yù |
Born | Die |
出生 chū shēng | 死亡 sǐ wáng |
Strong | Weak |
壮 zhuàng | 弱 ruò |

Language learning tip: Use images and personal connections!
Why not use these opposite words to describe your dog in Chinese… While playing with your dog?!
Old (person) | Young |
老 lǎo | 年轻 nián qīng |
Old (thing) | New |
旧 jiù | 新 xīn |
Hard | Soft |
硬 yìng | 软 ruǎn |
Hot | Cold |
热 rè | 冷 lěng |

Bonus Opposites in Chinese:
Fat 胖 pàng / Thin 瘦 shòu
Narrow 窄 zhǎi / Wide 宽 kuān
Brave 勇敢 yǒng gǎn / Coward 懦弱 nuò ruò
40 More Opposites in Chinese!
Hardworking | Lazy |
勤劳 qín láo | 懒惰 lǎn duò |
Professional | Amateur |
业余 zhí yè | 职业 yè yú |
Optimistic | Pessimistic |
乐观 lè guān | 悲观 bēi guān |
Objective | Subjective |
客观 kè guān | 主观 zhǔ guān |
Beautiful | Ugly |
美 měi | 丑 chǒu |
Real | Fake |
实 shí | 虚 xū |
Back | Front |
反 fǎn | 正 zhèng |
Easy | Difficult |
容易 róng yì | 困难 kùn nán |
Smooth | Rough |
光滑 guāng huá | 粗糙 cū cāo |
Wet | Dry |
湿 shī | 干 gàn |
Like | Dislike |
喜欢 xǐ huān | 讨厌 tǎo yàn |
Elongate | Shorten |
眼神 yǎn shén | 缩短 suō duǎn |
To fix | To break |
修理 xiū lǐ | 破坏 pò huài |
Fall asleep | Wake up |
入睡 rù shuì | 睡醒 shuì xǐng |
Useful | Useless |
有益 yǒu yì | 无益 wúyì |
Patient | Impatient |
耐心 nài xīn | 急切 jí qiè |
Clean | Dirty |
清洁 qīng jié | 肮脏 āng zāng |
Light | Dark |
光明 guāng míng | 黑暗 hēi’àn |
Full | Empty |
满 mǎn | 空 kōng |
Heavy | Light |
重 zhòng | 轻 qīng |
Straight | Curved |
直 zhí | 曲 qū |
Sweet | Sour |
甜 tián | 苦 kǔ |
True | False |
真 zhēn | 假 jiǎ |
Thick | Thin |
厚 hòu | 薄 báo |
A lot | A few |
多 duō | 少 shǎo |
Day | Night |
白天 bái tiān | 夜里 yè lǐ |
Evening | Morning |
晚上 wǎn shàng | 早晨 zǎo chén |
Start | Finish |
开始 kāi shǐ | 结束 jié shù |
Inside | Outside |
内 nèi | 外 wài |
In front | Behind |
前 qián | 后 hòu |
Under | On |
下 xià | 上 shàng |
Open | Close |
开 kāi | 关 guān |
Pull | Push |
拉 lā | 推 tuī |
Enter | Exit |
进 ,入 jìn, rù | 出 chū |
To laugh | To cry |
笑 xiào | 哭 kū |
Public | Private |
公 gōng | 私 sī |
Friend | Enemy |
朋友 péng yǒu | 敌人 dí rén |
Cause | Result |
原因 yuán yīn | 结果 jié guǒ |
On purpose | By accident |
故意 gù yì | 偶然 ǒu rán |
Luck | Bad luck |
运气 yùn qì | 倒霉 dǎo méi |
Opposites in Chinese – Quiz
OK ready to put yourself to the test? Think you know your thin’s from your fat’s and your right’s from your wrong’s?
Our quiz gives your instant results and takes a matter of minutes! Give it a shot and share your results below!

Verbs in Chinese
Learn all of the important verbs in Chinese.

Furniture in Chinese
Discover how to talk about furniture in Chinese.

Feelings in Chinese
Do you know how to talk about your feelings in Chinese?
Opposites in Chinese – FAQ’s
How do you say Opposites in Chinese?
Opposites in Chinese is 对立面 duì lì miàn.
How do you say Fat / Thin in Chinese?
Fat 胖 pàng / Thin 瘦 shòu.
How do you say Narrow / Wide in Chinese?
Narrow 窄 zhǎi / Wide 宽 kuān.
How do you say Brave / Coward in Chinese?
Brave 勇敢 yǒng gǎn / Coward 懦弱 nuò ruò.
Can I test my knowledge of the opposites in Chinese?
Yes, absolutely! Once you’ve study all of our opposites flashcard, try our NEW Opposites Quiz!
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