30+ Remarkable Types of Fish in Chinese

Learn All The Types of Fish in Chinese

Welcome to the ultimate guide to types of fish in Chinese.

Yea, we cover everything at LTL!

We’ve produced some fantastic resources for learning Chinese relating to animals before that go beyond all imagination!

This include not just talking about dog breeds in Chinese but also eggs (there’s a good reason why), chickens, and even a complete encyclopedia to learning all the animals in Chinese.

⬇️⬇️⬇️ Once you’ve learned all the vocab in this blog we’ve even got a fun little test for you to try at the end! ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Now we’re diving into all the types of fish in Chinese!

Knowing all the types of fish in Chinese is one way to impress your Chinese friends next time you’re in a seafood restaurant.

Fish is incredibly popular in China and you’ll also find out here how much the ONE OF THE WORLD’S MOST EXPENSIVE FISH costs. Prepare to have your mind, blown!

Fish in Chinese – Types of Fish in Chinese

Fish in Chinese – Sea Animals in Chinese

Fish in Chinese – Chinese Dragon Fish


Fish in Chinese – FAQ’s

Types of Fish in Chinese

Here are 20 of the most common types of fish in Chinese you’ll find on a Chinese menu.

Bream鳊鱼biān yú
Catfish鲶鱼nián yú
Cod鳕鱼xuě yú
Flounder比目鱼bǐ mù yú
Herring鲱鱼fēi yú
Mackerel鲭鱼qīng yú
Perch鲈鱼lú yú
Pike梭鱼suō yú
Piranha食人鱼shí rén yú
Salmon鲑鱼guī yú
Sturgeon鲟鱼xún yú
Trout鳟鱼zūn yú
Tuna金枪鱼jīn qiāng yú
Zander白梭吻鲈bái suō wěn lú

Sea Animals in Chinese

Still want more marine animal knowledge?

If you’re looking for things to do in Singapore, you can’t miss the S.E.A aquarium which has the second-largest aquarium based off water volume.

Aside from the types of fish in Chinese here are some bonus marine animals:

  • Crab in Chinese
  • Dolphin in Chinese
  • Eel in Chinese
  • Jellyfish in Chinese
  • Lobster in Chinese
  • Manta Ray in Chinese
  • Octopus in Chinese
  • Oyster in Chinese
  • Sea Urchin in Chinese
  • Seahorse in Chinese
  • Shark in Chinese
  • Shrimp in Chinese
  • Starfish in Chinese
  • Whale in Chinese
Marine AnimalChinesePinyin
Crab螃蟹páng xiè
Dolphin海豚hǎi tún
Eel鳗鱼mán yú
Jellyfish海蜇hǎi zhé
Lobster小龙虾xiǎo lóng xiā
Manta Ray魔鬼鱼móguǐ yú
Octopus章鱼zhāng yú
Sea Urchin海胆hǎi dǎn
Seahorse海马hǎi mǎ
Shark鲨鱼shā yú
Shrimp小虾xiǎo xiā
Starfish海星hǎi xīng

Chinese Dragon Fish

There is one fish in China that stands out above the rest.

They’re the ultimate symbol of wealth and power and we’re NOT talking about the infamous Koi 鯉 (lǐ) or carp.

We’re talking about the Chinese dragon fish also know as Asian Arowana 龍魚 (lóng yú).

As this video by business insider explains the Asian Arowana has broken records for the most expensive fish ever purchased.

The Chinese dragon fish is freshwater dweller native to Southeast Asia and gained huge popularity in China bearing resemblance to the Chinese dragon.

For the longest time the Asian Arowanas we’re only used as a food source but in the 1960s started becoming a household pet!

Overfishing made wild Arowanas quite rare and the highly sought after red and gold Chinese dragon fish started to become extremely expensive.

Check out our Chinese colours blog to find out why a red or gold dragon fish would be such a status symbol.

This fish is so valuable that it’s been rumoured to have been sold to a prominent member of the Chinese government for over $300’000 USD.

New York Post

Even someone in Singapore, a country with harsh penalties for theft delt with a series of Arowana heists as a man would steal them from homes using a bucket!


OK, we’ve taught you everything you need to know about Fish in Chinese… now it’s your turn.

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Sea Urchin



Manta Ray



Dog Breeds in Chinese

Dogs in Chinese

Learn how to talk about dogs in Chinese.

Eggs in Chinese

Eggs in Chinese

How do you like your eggs (in Chinese)?

Chinese Mushrooms

Chinese Mushrooms

Learn all there is to know about mushrooms in Chinese.

Fish in Chinese – FAQ’s

How do you say fish in Chinese?

Fish in Chinese in 鱼 yú. You’ll notice this is included in all the types of fish names in Chinese.

What are the most popular Chinese fish recipes?

Some of the most popular Chinese fish-based dished are stir-fry fillets with vegetables, steamed fish, sweet and sour fish and pan-fried fish with soy sauce.

How to take care of a Chinese fighting fish?

Chinese fighting fish are also known as Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta splendens) are more delicate than your average fish.

They require up to 40 litres of water so they can establish their territories.

They need surface air but are notorious jumpers so keep a lid on their tanks when you’re not around.

What is the meaning of the Chinese fish tattoo?

The Koi Fish is an incredibly popular Chinese fish tattoo seen all over the world. The meaning of the tattoo can change depending on their colour, direction and more!

The basic meanings of your Koi fish swimming upstream or downstream are either you are currently in a battle, or a struggle opposed to you don’t yet possess the strength to make it against the optical.

For more information about the meaning of colours, check out our Chinese tattoos blog.

Can I test my knowledge of the Fish in Chinese?

You can indeed, we spent some time making this quiz for you!

All questions are multiple choice so even if you don’t know, try and take a guess.

Results are emailed straight over to you in seconds!

Good luck

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