Zodiac Signs in Chinese ♈

A Simple Guide to Zodiac Signs in Chinese

So you want to talk about zodiac signs in Chinese? No, not Chinese zodiacs but the western Astrological zodiac signs in Chinese.

Chinese Zodiac: 中国十二生肖 zhōngguó shí’èr shēngxiào

Western Zodiac: 西方十二星座 xīfānɡ shí èr xīnɡ zuò

Well, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll be giving a breakdown of the western zodiac signs in Chinese. With BONUS vocabulary to help you explain your star sign in Chinese.

Each Zodiac Sign in Chinese has a corresponding element and planet. Here is a breakdown of the elements:

  • Fire – 火 huǒ
  • Earth – 地球 dìqiú
  • Air – 空气 kōngqì
  • Water 水 shuǐ

Zodiac Signs in Chinese

Aries in Chinese

Taurus in Chinese

Gemini in Chinese

Cancer in Chinese

Leo in Chinese

Virgo in Chinese

Libra in Chinese

Scorpio in Chinese

Sagittarius in Chinese

Capricorn in Chinese

Aquarius in Chinese

Pisces in Chinese

Zodiac Signs in Chinese – Quiz

Zodiac Signs in Chinese – FAQ

Aries in Chinese (March 21 – April 19)

Aries 白羊座 bái yáng zuò

  • Symbol: The Ram 公羊 ɡōnɡ yánɡ
  • Element: Fire 火 huǒ
  • Ruling planet: Mars 火星 huǒ xīng
  • Strengths: determined 坚定 (jiān dìng), confident 自信 (zì xìn), honest 诚实 (chéng shí)
  • Weaknesses: impatient 不耐烦 (bú nàifán), impulsive 冲动 (chōng dòng), aggressive 挑衅 (tiǎo xìn)

Taurus in Chinese (April 20 – May 20)

Taurus in Chinese

Taurus 金牛座 jīn niú zuò

  • Symbol: The Bull 公牛 (gōng niú)
  • Element: Earth 土 (tǔ)
  • Ruling planet: Venus 金星 (jīn xīng)
  • Strengths: reliable 可靠 (kě kào), patient 耐心 (nài xīn), practical 实际的 (shí jì de)
  • Weaknesses: stubborn 顽固 (wán gù), possessive 占有欲 (zhàn yǒu yù), uncompromising 毫不妥协 (háo bù tuǒxié)

Gemini in Chinese (May 21 – June 20)

Gemini in Chinese

Gemini 双子座 shuāng zǐ zuò

  • Symbol: The Twins 双胞胎 (shuāng bāo tāi)
  • Element: Air 空气 (kōng qì)
  • Ruling planet: Mercury 水星shuǐxīnɡ
  • Strengths: Gentle 温柔 (wēn róu), affectionate 深情 (shēn qíng), curious 好奇 (hào qí)
  • Weaknesses: nervous 紧张 (jǐn zhāng), inconsistent 前后不定 (qiánhòu búdìng), indecisive 犹豫不决 (yóuyù bù jué)

After learning all the zodiac signs in Chinese be sure to check out these 44 feelings in Chinese.

Cancer in Chinese (June 21 – July 22)

Cancer in Chinese

Cancer 巨蟹座 jù xiè zuò

  • Symbol: The Crab 螃蟹 (páng xiè)
  • Element: Water 水 (shuǐ)
  • Ruling planet: The Moon 月亮 (yuè liàng)
  • Strengths: tenacious 坚韧 (jiān rèn), imaginative 富于想象力 (fù yú xiǎngxiàng lì), loyal 忠 (zhōng chéng)
  • Weaknesses: pessimistic 悲观的 (bēiguān de), suspicious 可疑的 (kěyí de), manipulative 操纵性的 (cāozòng xìng de)

Leo in Chinese (July 23 – August 22)

Leo in Chinese

Leo 狮子座 shī zǐ zuò

  • Symbol: The Lion 狮子 (shī zi)
  • Element: Fire 火 huǒ
  • Ruling planet: The Sun 太阳 (tài yáng)
  • Strengths: creative 创意 (chuàng yì), passionate 热情 (rè qíng), humorous 幽默 (yōu mò)
  • Weaknesses: arrogant 傲慢 (ào màn), stubborn 固执 (gùzhí), lazy 懒惰 (lǎnduò)

Virgo in Chinese (August 23 – September 22)

Virgo in Chinese

Virgo 处女座 chùnǚ zuò

  • Symbol: The Virgin 处女 chǔnǚ
  • Element: Earth 土 tǔ
  • Ruling planet: Mercury 水星shuǐxīnɡ
  • Strengths: loyal 忠诚 (zhōng chéng), kind 友善 (yǒu shàn), hardworking 勤奋 (qín fèn)
  • Weaknesses: shy 害羞 (hài xiū), worry 担心 (dān xīn), all work and no play 没有乐趣 (méiyǒu lèqù)

Want to learn all the planets in Chinese?

Libra in Chinese (September 23 – October 22)

Libra in Chinese

Libra 天秤座 tiān chèng zuò

  • Symbol: The Scales 秤 chèng
  • Element: Air 空气 kōngqì
  • Ruling planet: Venus 金星 jīnxīng
  • Strengths: Cooperative 合作 (hé zuò), gracious 友善 (yǒu shàn), social 社交 (shè jiāo)
  • Weaknesses: indecisive 优柔寡断 (yōu róu guǎ duàn), avoids confrontations 避免对抗 (bì miǎn duì kàng), will carry a grudge 会怀恨在心 (huì huái hèn zàixīn)

Scorpio in Chinese (October 23 – November 21)

Scorpio in Chinese - zodiac signs in chinese

Scorpio 天蝎座 tiān xiē zuò

  • Symbol: The scorpion 蝎 (xiē)
  • Element: Water 水 (shuǐ)
  • Ruling planet: Pluto 冥王星 (míng wáng xīng)
  • Strengths: resourceful 机智 (jī zhì), brave 勇敢 (yǒng gǎn), passionate 热情 (rè qíng)
  • Weaknesses: distrusting 不信任 (bú xìnrèn), jealous 嫉妒 (jí dù), secretive 诡秘 (ɡuǐ mì)

Sagittarius in Chinese (November 22 – December 21)

Sagittarius in Chinese

Sagittarius 射手座 shè shǒu zuò

  • Symbol: The Archer 射手 (shè shǒu)
  • Element: Fire 火 (huǒ)
  • Ruling planet: Jupiter 木星 (mù xīng)
  • Strengths: generous 慷慨 (kāng kǎi), idealistic 理想主义 (lǐxiǎng zhǔyì), great sense of humour 幽默感 (yōumò gǎn)
  • Weaknesses: bored easily 容易厌倦 (róngyì yànjuàn), shallow 肤浅 (fū qiǎn), rebel against those in authority 反抗当权者 (fǎnkàng dāngquán zhě)

Capricorn in Chinese (December 22 – January 19)

Capricorn in Chinese - zodiac signs in chinese

Capricorn 摩羯座 mó jié zuò

  • Symbol: The sea goat 海山羊 (hǎi shān yáng)
  • Element: Earth 土 (tǔ)
  • Ruling planet: Saturn 土星 (tǔ xīng)
  • Strengths: responsible 负责 (fù zé), disciplined 纪律严明 (jìlǜ yánmíng), good managers 优秀的管理者 (yōuxiù de guǎnlǐ zhě)
  • Weaknesses: know-it-all 万事通 (wàn shì tōng), unforgiving 记仇 (jì chóu), expecting the worst 期待最坏的情况 (qīdài zuì huài de qíngkuàng)


Or in this case the lesson about how to zodiac signs in Chinese…

DID YOU KNOW we have a Chinese Zodiac Calculator? Simply enter your date of birth and learn all there is to know about your Chinese zodiac.

Aquarius in Chinese (January 20 – February 18)

Aquarius in Chinese

Aquarius 水瓶座 shuǐ píng zuò

  • Symbol: The Water Bearer 持水者 (chí shuǐ zhě)
  • Element: Air 空气 (kōng qì)
  • Ruling planet: Uranus 天王星 (tiān wáng xīng)
  • Strengths: original 原始的 (yuánshǐ de), independent 独立的 (dúlì de), humanitarian 人道主义的 (réndào zhǔyì de)
  • Weaknesses: temperamental 情绪化 (qínɡxùhuà), uncompromising 不妥协 (bù tuǒxié), aloof 超然 (chāo rán)

Pisces in Chinese (February 19 – March 20)

Pisces in Chinese - zodiac signs in chinese

Pisces 双鱼座 shuāng yú zuò

  • Symbol: The fishes 鱼 (yú)
  • Element: Water 水 (shuǐ)
  • Ruling planet: Neptune 海王星 (hǎi wáng xīng)
  • Strengths: compassionate 富有同情心 (fùyǒu tóngqíng xīn), artistic 艺术 (yìshù), intuitive 直观 (zhíguān)
  • Weaknesses: fearful 恐惧 (kǒngjù), overly trusting 过度信任 (guòdù xìnrèn), sad 悲伤 (bēi shāng)
The Chinese Zodiacs

Zodiac Signs in Chinese – Quiz

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Zodiac Signs in Chinese – FAQ

How do you say Zodiac in Chinese?

Chinese Zodiac: 中国十二生肖 zhōngguó shí’èr shēngxiào

Western Zodiac: 西方十二星座 xīfānɡ shí èr xīnɡ zuò

What’s the difference between Chinese zodiacs and western zodiacs?

Both Chinese and western zodiacs have 12 signs. There are 2 similar signs between the western and Chinese the Ox/Bull and the Goat/Ram.

Chinese zodiacs are based on a persons birth year and western zodiacs are based on a persons birth month.

Another similarity between Chinese and western zodiacs is the use of elements associated with the zodiac.

Western zodiacs have a fixed element per zodiac while the Chinese go through a cycle.

Both Chinese and western zodiacs use fire, earth, air, and water. Chinese zodiacs have an additional element, metal.

What are the Chinese zodiac signs?

The 12 Chinese zodiac signs are:

Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.

How do you say Pisces in Chinese?

Pisces in Chinese is 双鱼座 shuāng yú zuò

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  1. 本家明

    The date range for 天秤座 is wrong.

    1. Max Hobbs

      Lovely spot 本. All changed