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Welcome to the Opposites Quiz! Enter your First name and email to begin. Don't worry you can unsubscribe at any time!

First Name
Under: 下 (xià)

Enter: 进 ,入 (jìn, rù)

Heavy: 重 (zhòng)

Good & Bad

Clean: 清洁 (qīng jié)

Full: 满 (mǎn)

Hard & Soft

First & Last

Happy & Sad

Noisy & Quiet

Back: 反 (fǎn)

Easy: 容易 (róng yì)

Yes & No

Sick & Healthy

Long & Short

Day: 白天 (bái tiān)

Open: 开 (kāi)

Pull: 拉 (lā)

Laugh 笑 (xiào)

Beautiful & Ugly